Who is a true Sadhak?
Here are few questions and answers from today's Satsang, as we understood.
Q – Who is a true Sadhak (Seeker)? What are his characteristics?
The one who is having thirst (Pyaas) is a true Sadhak. There are two types of Sadhak. One who is weak, and the one who is strong. The weak, who wants to come out of his weakness is also a Sadhak. The one who doesn’t want to come out of his weakness and misery is not a Sadhak.
Q- What is the difference between a ‘Sadhu’ (Saint) and a Sadhak (Seeker)?
The one who is between Sadhak and Siddh is a Sadhu. The one who is calm and wise is called a Sadhu. Outer appearance doesn’t make one a Sadhu.
Q – What is the purpose of Life?
Give a pat on your back first. Very few people in this world even ask this question. You are in the right path. Continue with these practices, and you’ll get the revelations from time to time.
Start finding what not the purpose of life is. You are not here to be miserable and make others miserable. You are not here to worry on small little things.
Q – What is the difference between ‘Childlike’ and ‘Childish’?
Even if a person is 30-40 year old, and mind is still in ten years, that person is called Childish. One who has both wisdom and innocence is called Childlike.
Q – Why are you still a bachelor?
Because I refuse to grow up (Laughter)
Compiled by Satish, Ishan, Anoop
Posted in: on Wednesday, August 29, 2007 at at 9:14 PM