Difference between Intention and Desire

Today, Guruji talked about the difference between intention and desire. Here is how I understood the same (Not exact verbatim).

If you have an intention to goto Mysore from Bangalore, you get into the car, relax yourself, and drive calmly to your destination.

On the other side, what if you get into the car and say all the way 'I need to goto Mysore, I need to goto Mysore' - you may end up in mental hospital. A desire brings craving to you.

Once you have an intention, offer it to the nature to get it fullfilled, and drop the botheration regarding the same. It is a skill to transform your desire to an intention. Pay attention to your intention, and if your intention came out of true need, it will be fullfilled.

People often concentrate on lack of something, rather than abundance. Where ever you have attention, it'll grow. If you pay attention to your lack of something, it'll grow. So better be positive. This does not mean that you have to be self affirmative. Auto suggestions like "I am strong" or "I am happy" will not work, because when you repeat this, it'll kindle a doubt about the same in your inner being.

Hence, if you have an intention, pay attention to it, and offer it the nature - then drop it and wait for the time to get it manifested. Meditation will bring this skill to you.

You should be sincere with yourself to get your intentions get manifested into actions and objects. If you are so self centered and installed yourself in non-violence and truth, nature will take care of all your intentions.


  1. Jay Gurudev,

    Guruji is a so much caring for all of us and to see all of us happy like a mother. He is seeing such intense fever ness around Him that He has given us a wake up call.

    Certainly if one uses only this Sutra in life the journey from known to unknown or rather from unknown to know will be smooth . Anyway we are in the journey - the choice is ours how we make / take it. Wish you all a happy journey.
    girish patadia

  2. Dear Anoop, thi sparticular day has been very very significant day for me...this very evening, I took shelter at GuruJi's feet, in despair for not having sdecured a job (m a 2007 Fresher in CSE)...a letter and a rose, and his blessings(I felt the power of his blessings flowing thru my entire self in a tremendous vibration the moment I touched His feet) later, we went thru the discourse...n somewhere inside I smiled knowing that the discourse on "desire and intention" ws from GuruJi spcifically for me n my professional life onlt :-)

    it dint end there, bvecause right after the Satsangh , I received a call on my friend(Ankur Rupani-Teacher) 's phone from a firend who called fo a job opening ready for me !! It was nothing short of a blessed revelation from GuruJi to me...that ...
    "Ask and You shall Receive...seek and you shall find. Have a clear intention , and give it to the Universe to manifest ."
    Now I type this coment from my office, where I work in Business Intelligence and DataWarehousing Doamin....
    ...I work from 9-9, and also on Saturdays..I have signd a bond too...but that doesnt bother me, because I look at GuruJi's smiling photograph on my desk, and I get my energy back..I look at it as Seva .

    I love You GuruJi .

    Jai GuruDev .

  3. Guru is love and God is truth.
    God is the top most and guru is under him.

    The one who has the greed to be at the top most with God,he finds the door closed after living the home of guru.

    Guru is the home of love and love is the gole of life, so guru can only be the last and best place for everyone.
    The one who stays with the guru truly with pure love ,without any greeds or desires. God brings him to his home, the place of Truth, and then the great God requests the person, the great lover to stay with him in his home and worship his guru not him (God), Because God wants to see that person to be in the purest form in this world.
    Guru is the one who shows us the God and we should be the one who sees the God and follower the truth but should not make a mistake to become God.
    So the home of the great guru is the best place in this world, and the guru is the only person who can love you that is why he shows us and realizes us the great GOD.

    Koushik N Adeshara,jamshedpur,9431113332.

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