The Existence of God
Here is what Guruji discussed today, as I understood (not exact verbatim)
In Eastern school of thought, God is expected to take care of the evil, while in West, the individual is left to take care of the evil and fight it by himself. This is very interesting.
In India, God is seen in anything and everything, including trees, animals, people etc. Even the formless space is considered as divinity - Niraakar. The same divinity is seen in everything.
A child is first taught that his mother is God. Then he is taught that his Father is God. Then, Guru and Guest are also taught as God to him.
The whole world is seen as the manifestation of love or consciousness.
If a person asks the question - "Whether the divine is form or formless?", a saint will answer it with another question – “What is your form? Are you form or formless?”
In all religions, the innocence with in you is considered as the divinity. In India, God is also considered as a child, a friend, and a companion. Christianity also, this concept is there as Infant Jesus.
If you see, there is only one Buddha, but there are more than thirty schools of Buddhism. Similarly, in Christianity, there is only one Christ, but several schools of thoughts are there. In Islam also, various schools of thoughts exit. In Hinduism, you can’t even count the number of schools and sects.
Diversity is good and it adds beauty to the entire creation. If nature created only potato for you to eat, you’ll get tired of eating the same potato again and again.
But we should find the common thread of love and spirituality among all these various schools and religions, so that everybody will honor and love each other.
Posted in: on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 at at 9:18 PM