In Ashram, when Guruji is here, each day unfolds with an untold tale. Today was no different.
Today morning there was Mahakriya, where almost eight thousand people did Kriya and meditation in the Yagyashala.
After Kriya, every body rushed to the dining hall for their lunch, and Sundar bhayya's wonderfull efforts proved too good once again - today the food was very good, and more importantly, the sincere efforts of a large group of volunteers made sure that every one is having a great lunch.
In the Satsang, Guruji addressed the whole crowd and answered some questions (mostly in Kannada). - "This is your second home" - He told everybody. "When you feel yourself down, just come to the Ashram, spend some time and go back so that you bring up your spirit"
Few people from Iraq, attending the large Arab course going on in Ashram, shared their experience.
One of them told - "We are sincerely thankfull to Guruji for the support he is giving us, to re establish peace and democracy in Iraq. We'll take this knowledge and techniques back to Iraq, to give it to the people there"
The satsang was followed by a short meditation. Contentment filled the whole space.
Posted in: on Sunday, August 26, 2007 at at 6:12 PM