Guruji : How are you all? Should we sing more or discuss? Discuss? See I got you pulse! (Laughter!!)
Question : There is a saying "trees that have its roots up and the branches underneath".. What does it mean?
Guruji : Trees that has roots in the sky and branches downwards.. is that your question? Yeh, that's an analogy you know, a simile. That is when things are all upside down in that realm. If the tree is growing upwards with its roots down and branches up that is natural. But if the branches are going downwards then it symbolizes adharma. Used like a simile. That means you have to set things right there. In life when things are topsy-turvy to have to keep things straight!! That's the message there.
(Simile: a figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared, as in "she is like a rose.")
Question : Guruji, what is the meaning of the word Bhajan?
Guruji : In Sanskrit the word Vibhajan means separation. Therefore the word Bhajan means togetherness. When we all are together and have only one thought, and that is the thought of the Lord, it is Bhajan. We are together thinking about that Eshwara, then there is a lot of shakti in that. And what else do we do? We clap. Clapping brings you in the present moment. Tell me if you are very happy what do you do? You clap. Right? Someone is very happy how do they express? By clapping! All throughout the world.. . there is this practice.
Question : Guruji, many people come everyday and attend the Satsang. Most of them don't even know what there are coming here for? After sometime they don't come.. what could be done with this?
Guruji : Leave about others. Krishna says,...
There are crores of people who take birth and out of that only a few come to the path. And out of that few who pursue the path, only a few reach me, understand me. Thousands come and go don't think about them. You think about yourself. Again Krishna said, "......" Which means, even out of several Muni's are Siddhas, only a few reach me.
Question : Guruji what is Dasha-angula?
Guruji : Dasha angula means, we have pancha(five) Gyanindriyas and pancha Karmaindriyas. What are the gyanindriyas? They are the sight, the ears.. etc and the Karmaindriyas are the hands, legs, words.. like that. Ten dimension are there. And the one who has all the ten dimension is a Purusha.
Question : Guruji, I am feeling very empty right now. Feeling like nothing. Why?
Guruji : Do you have a smile on your face? Are you happy? That's good! Then that's how it should be!
Question : Often when I do seva, I think I have other responsibilities also. Which needs my equal attention. That's the time I feel extremely in secured. Guruji how do I get rid of my insecure feelings?
Guruji : You know, perhaps you are unaware of your capabilities. And you are unaware that nature loves you, supports you. Once you know that you have the ability, then you know your life is made. All your wishes, which are good for you, will get fulfilled. That's why you know, in India our National Flag has this saying, "Satyam eva Jayate" which means Truth will always triumph! Our every note, currency, it is there, "Truth will always triumph!"
Question : Guruji, tell something about positive and negative karma.
Guruji : Karma is in the Mind. Not in the soul. The soul is free from all Karma.
Question : Guruji what are the different dimensions of consciousness?
Guruji : There are four different dimensions of consciousness. They are
1. Awaking
2. Dreaming
3. Sleep and the fourth one is
4. Transcendental
Question : Guruji, how to fight circumstances?
Guruji : Why do you want to fight? Accept it.
Question : Guruji, why is it so difficult to get love from other but so easy to love them?
Guruji : Have you read this book called Celebrating silence? No? You must read that book huh. I have spoken about love there.
Question : Guruji, what is the difference between Knowledge and science?
Guruji : Knowledge is "Who am I?" and science is "What is this?"
Question : Guruji, after having done so much of sadhana also I get negative thoughts. This leads me to very awkward feelings. What do I do?
Guruji: You know, don't bother too much about the thoughts. I tell you it comes and goes. But if you see that you are still not able to handle them then... then you should run!! Just run for some few kilometers! And then you will feel so much out of breath that no thoughts can come to you. (Laughter!!) Or can you swim? Do you know to swim? Ok so swim... Swim for a few hrs and then you will see not a single thought is coming to you! Just do as I tell you. 5 kms of run. But do it in the daytime. At night if you run then police will follow you. (Laughter!!)
Question : Guruji I have seen you 13 years back once. And after a long gap I am seeing you now. Guruji am so shocked to see that age has not touched you. How have you kept yourself so young!??! Guruji, my next question is I am very restless. How do I handle this restlessness?
Guruji: Have you done the Sudarshan Kriya? No? You should do the Sudarshan kriya!
Same devotee who asked the above question: Guruji what else?
Guruji : What else? (Laughter!!) You are asking what else? (Laughter!!) Ok pranayama, Meditations. Are you in TTC? No? Then you should do the Teachers Training Course. It makes you so firm! Then nothing shakes you!! (Laughter!!) 15 days of grinding and grooming!! (Laughter!!) Its good! Very good!
Question : What is life force?
Guruji : How are you speaking? There is some life, that's how, right? Are you alive? Yes you are. If you are not living you cant speak, right? So that which is getting the drive in you to speak is the life force. When you in Satwa then your parana is high. You feel more energetic. But if you eat too much then it is not so high. And if you eat more than that then you know what happens to you!!
Question : Guruji, how to sharpen my memory?
Guruji : I'll tell you the answer by 15th July 2019. (Laughter!!) When will I tell you I said? Let me see if you remember.
Question : Why is your name not there in any book?
Guruji : You asked me this question yesterday also right? And I answered you...
Question : Guruji, at times I get very angry, How do I deal with it?
Guruji : You like perfection. Right? You are a perfectionist. If you leave a little space for imperfection then you will see things are different. Then you can have but anger will never have you!!
Question : Guruji, what should we do for the less fortunate people?
Guruji : You are fortunate, you have the eyes the ears, the legs, the hands the tongue in place and perfect! You should use in a proper way to do good to others.
Question : Guruji, I don't get sleep at night, Only get our thoughts of you at all the times.. What should I do?
Guruji : (laughter!!) That's all right no?!!?
Question : Guruji, what happens when we die?
Guruji : You know I want you to have some surprise when you die. (Laughter!!) If I tell you everything right now then you will not enjoy the scene after death! Then you will feel "Oh! I already knew it!!" (Laughter!!)
Question : Guruji, what is the difference between Atma and Paramatma?
Guruji : Atma came in the beginning and Paramatama is beyond that. The in between the Atma and Paramatma is the Mahatma. (Laughter!!) So catch hold of the Mahatma and see the atma to ultimately reach the Paramatma.
Question : What is the spirit?
Guruji : Spirit is the life force. That helps you to see, helps you to function.. Like the thoughts arrive. Its like electricity, it is there you cannot see it. But you can see the lights shining! The air condition working! The fans moving! But cannot see the electricity. Similarly the prana you cannot see. Do you see this?
Question : Guruji, how to realize the soul?
Guruji : Have you done the Sudarshan Kriya? Yes. Tell me how do you feel? Blank? That is it!
Question : Guruji, how can we prevent the mind going around the world?
Guruji : Have you done the advance course? The part II program? There are several meditations there to help you huh.
Question : Guruji, do you believe in rebirth?
Guruji : I don't believe it. I just know it!
Question : Guruji, I have gone through several experiences, which are not so good. Some of them I am not able to forget. What to do?
Guruji : By experience you become mature. Every pleasant or unpleasant experience makes you strong!
Question : Guruji, can you please talk about the levels of consciousness?
Guruji : The intellect forms the consciousness. It is a part of the conscious mind. The mind, memory and the ego is the part of the sub conscious mind. And mind is both conscious and sub conscious. When you are in the waking state the intellect is awake. But during the dreaming state it is not. But the mind is still there! Do you see what I am saying? Like in a dream you see you are in a train and you are sitting on a horse! Now that is not possible! Or you see you are sitting on Maheshwara and Maheshwara is in the Vasuki room!! It is not possible!!
What happens here? Your intellect is gone to sleep! Intellect is in the dormant state now. Only the memory and the mind is active! The subconscious mind, all is functioning. That's why it is said you are dwelling into an ocean of energy. They do regression process to get rid of the past impressions. Psychiatrists talk about the Conscious and sub conscious and the unconscious state.
We say Samadhi. That's why Samadi is so beautiful you slip in to the transcendental state and the ego is also not there at that state. In meditation memory is still awake. You become free from the clutches of memory if you practice Samadhi. During your meditation you will find some thoughts are connected and some are unconnected. They come and go. Some stay for a longer time than the other.
Posted in:
Friday, September 7, 2007
4:56 PM